Zumrat Karaganda

Reserve room
Booking accommodation

Write your contacts

Zumrat Karaganda

If you have any additional questions or need to book a room, you can contact the Reikartz reservation department by phone from monday to friday from 09:00 to 18:00: 8 708 358 81 83 or write to us by e-mail: reservation@reikartz.kz

If you have any additional questions or need to book a room, you can contact the Reikartz reservation department by phone from monday to friday from 09:00 to 18:00: +7 (708) 358-81-83 or write to us by e-mail: reservation@reikartz.kz. You can also book a room online at Reikartz.kz

Attention! HOTEL ZUMRAT works with enhanced security arrangement!

The room price includes: accommodation, buffet breakfast, taxes, Wi-Fi.